Let our curated team of experts guide you to true wellness.

Instead of just putting a bandaid on symptoms, we'll dig deep to uncover the root cause of your issues.

Our specialty is restoring balance in your body, enabling you to do what you love, free of pain and worry.

What Sets Me Apart?

  • I bring to the table multiple advanced modalities of training and experience, allowing me to address health and wellness from a holistic mind-body-spirit perspective.
  • I firmly believe in treating only the root cause of health issues, with the conviction that real health and wellness are achieved through adaptability.
  • I approach each person's health with humility, understanding that each individual represents a complex health equation that requires a disciplined approach and open-minded discovery for lasting freedom.

I'm committed to helping each of my patients regain control over their lives and achieve the freedom they desire. I'm honored to accompany you on your path towards improved health and wellness.

Jason Wysocki, ND, MS

Naturopathic Physician

Many of my patients come to me because their lives are dominated by health issues. They often feel like their desired lifestyle is slipping away from them. This, coupled with a sense of not being heard or understood by conventional medicine, can lead to frustration and despair. That's where I step in.

As a dedicated healthcare professional, my mission is to help patients get to the root cause of their health issues. My comprehensive approach involves not only understanding the problem but also creating a detailed, personalized plan to address it. The ultimate goal? To facilitate true and adaptable freedom in each patient's health journey.

By working with me, patients can expect to regain control over their lives, finally having the margin to make various life choices without health concerns holding them back. I offer the tools for achieving adaptability in health, paving the way for freedom and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.


Dr. Jason Wysocki

Dr. Jason Wysocki is a licensed Naturopathic physician

and owner of 8 Hearts Health & Wellness

He received his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland where he also serves as an adjunct faculty member and Clinical Supervisor. He holds a Master’s degree in Counseling from Cairn University and has worked in various aspects of mental health for over 16 years.

During his tenure at NUNM, Dr. Wysocki was selected for a prestigious one-year internship at the SIBO Center for Digestive Health. He was also the only Naturopathic student to complete a one-year integrated internship for Pacific University’s Psychology and Comprehensive Health Clinic. Dr. Wysocki also completed certification, including advanced clinical training, with the New England School of Homeopathy (NESH). He is also a certified Structural Integration practitioner.

Dr. Wysocki has been involved in researching various natural interventions in the treatment of depression and anxiety, including a pioneering study addressing microbes and development of herb resistance. Dr. Wysocki’s research and clinical experience has been featured in various media such as the National Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), SIBO SOS™ Summit, The Healthy Gut, SIBO Made Simple, and Dr. Ruscio Radio Podcast.

Dr. Wysocki’s practice focus is:

  • Mind-Body Medicine / “Whole” Person Mental Health
  • Gastroenterology / Digestive Health- Including treatment of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), IBS, “Dysbiosis,” Hiatal Hernia Syndrome, Optimizing the Microbiome with specific Probiotic treatment, and various Functional disorders.
  • Men’s Health- Including Low Testosterone (Low T) Syndrome and Natural Supplementation, Maximizing performance/Weight loss, Pelvic Pain Syndrome, Anorectal Pain, Prostate Conditions, Andropause, and Sexual Dysfunction.
  • Physical Medicine- Including Naturopathic Manipulative Technique, Structural Integration, Zero Balancing, Bowen Technique, and Cranial Sacral Modalities.

Dr. Wysocki works in-person with patients at 8 Hearts Health & Wellness, and he is also available for distance consultations when needed to provide excellent patient care or adjunctive care for those not in the Portland Metro Area.

What Sets Me Apart?

  • I have diverse academic credentials, including degrees in Exercise Physiology, Exercise Biochemistry, and Spanish. My knowledge expanded with my service in the Peace Corps in Armenia.
  • My unique blend of international experience and commitment to underserved communities has driven me to work with organizations such as the Peace Corps and Natural Doctors International.
  • I maintain strong global connections to continuously support diverse communities.
  • My pursuit of Naturopathic Medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland included special training in women’s healthcare and midwifery.

I leverage my naturopathic expertise, global experience, and dedication to holistic care to empower patients in their health journeys. I'm here to help you achieve lasting health improvements.

Debroah Rice, ND, MPH

Naturopathic Physician

In the realm of primary care, especially Women's Health and Pediatrics, patients often seek a provider who considers their overall well-being. As a licensed Naturopathic Physician, my holistic approach acknowledges our health's deep connection with our environment. My mission is to treat various conditions across diverse populations, focusing on the body as a whole to achieve sustained health improvements.

I specialize in male and female hormone testing and management, Gastrointestinal care, neurotransmitter balance, and treatment of various autoimmune conditions. My role in Pediatric care extends to supporting parents with vaccination decisions and well-child checks, with special attention to early stages of pregnancy due to my training as a midwife.


Debroah Rice, ND, MPH

Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Debbie Rice is a licensed Naturopathic Physician treating patients in need of non-urgent primary care, with a focus on Women’s Health and Pediatric care. Dr. Rice has a passion for providing health care to a range of conditions and populations. Dr. Rice was introduced to Naturopathic Medicine through friends who understood that her passion for healthcare was not just about singular components of health, but about the body as a whole, and how the body interprets its surrounding environment, as this creates the overall representation of our state of health.

Dr. Rice specializes in male and female hormone testing and management; not just sex hormones, but also thyroid and adrenal hormone function. Dr. Rice also focuses on Gastrointestinal care, neurotransmitter balance and function, and autoimmune treatment including Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, IBS, and Fibromyalgia.

Pediatric care includes vaccine support whether you are choosing to follow standard vaccination, customized vaccination schedule, or no vaccines at all, as well as standard well child checks.

Dr. Rice is a trained midwife and therefore adores caring for children at any stage, as well as supporting fertility and beginning stages of pregnancy.

Dr. Rice received her undergraduate education at Arizona State University with degrees in Exercise Physiology and Exercise Biochemistry, and Spanish. She continued onward to join the Peace Corps in the country of Armenia, with a focus in health care and environmental care. Dr. Rice completed her Peace Corps service in Armenia and stayed an extra year working and teaching with the US. Department of Agriculture.

Dr. Rice has a passion for travel and helping with underserved communities. She is very blessed to have had the opportunity to have worked with multiple organizations that have supported this passion including the Peace Corps, and Natural Doctors International in Nicaragua.

Dr. Rice maintains her connections to ensure that opportunities to support different communities are always available. Dr. Rice then moved to the Pacific Northwest to pursue Naturopathic Medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland. This is where she completed special mentor shifts regarding women’s health care and midwifery. Dr. Rice enjoys yoga, outdoors, exploring, and embracing her inner geek.

What Sets Me Apart?

  • I deeply understand the correlation between eating disorders/disordered eating and gastrointestinal disorders, and I incorporate this knowledge into my treatment plans.
  • Transparency is at the heart of my practice. I ensure that my patients know what to expect at each step of the journey by integrating education into every session.
  • I embrace a whole-person approach, recognizing that addressing every aspect at once can be overwhelming. Instead, I tailor the treatment plan to the individual, easing them into healthier habits at a pace that feels manageable and sustainable.

Consider me a dedicated partner in overcoming gut issues and reclaiming the joy of food. I believe in providing comprehensive, compassionate care, and I look forward to guiding you on your path towards healthier, happier food choices.

Charlotte Nowack, ND

Naturopathic Physician

Gut issues often lead individuals down a path of fear and uncertainty when it comes to food. Following extreme diets and viewing food as the enemy becomes a norm, making everyday meals a daunting task. Here is where my expertise comes into play.

As a medical professional specializing in gastrointestinal disorders, I strive to guide individuals in rediscovering the joy of food without fear. My approach focuses on identifying the root causes of gut problems, enabling my patients to make informed, healthy, and enjoyable food choices.

The key to lasting improvement lies not just in addressing the symptoms, but in understanding and tackling the underlying issues. To this end, I emphasize educating my patients about their conditions, so they can better understand and manage their own health.


Charlotte Nowack, ND

Nathuropathic Physician

Dr. Charlotte Nowack is a licensed naturopathic physician for 8 Hearts Health & Wellness. Dr. Nowack works with her patients to develop their personal embodiment of health, understanding that this is unique for every individual. She has a passion for helping her patients feel at home in their own skin, recognizing that with changes in our health, our minds and bodies can sometimes feel foreign to us. She works together with her patients to look for answers that bring everything together and create direction in striving towards wellness.

Dr. Nowack’s own journey around gastrointestinal health has sparked this as a particular passion of hers. She finds there is so much information available that makes it difficult to know where to begin, and it is her goal to help patients find answers in a more expedient way.

Dr. Nowack received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University California going on to complete a three-year GI-focused residency with Dr. Jason Wysocki.

Additionally, she utilizes several hands-on modalities (primarily visceral manipulation), mind- body medicine and biofeedback, and homeopathy. She finds these interventions can help reconnect with the body and stimulate the system’s innate healing wisdom. Outside of the clinic, Dr. Nowack enjoys reading novels, interior design, baking, and working out.

Dr. Nowack’s practice focus includes:

  • Gastroenterology / Digestive Health: SIBO, IBS, Diarrhea/Constipation, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Intestinal Dysbiosis, Yeast Overgrowth, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Ileocecal Valve dysfunction, Gallstones, and Food Allergies/Sensitivities.
  • Women’s Health/Hormonal Disorders: Menstrual irregularities, Hormonal acne, PMS, and Perimenopause, Adrenal dysfunction, and Thyroid disorders.
  • Mental Health: Anxiety, Depression, Brain Fog, Chronic stress, Disordered Eating, Insomnia.

What Sets Me Apart?

  • I'm a Doctor of Acupuncture and a Board-Certified Structural Integration Practitioner.
  • My approach to health and the body is informed by my deep knowledge and practical experience in both Chinese Medicine and Structural Integration.
  • During each visit, I spend dedicated one-on-one time with my patients. I do not divide my attention between multiple patients, ensuring that each individual receives my undivided attention and care.
  • I offer a unique combination of skills that supports quick recovery, improved endurance, and reduced long-term effects on athletes' bodies.

I believe in providing the best care possible to each and every one of my patients, and I look forward to doing the same for you.

Josh Luper, DAc, LAc, BCSI

Acupuncturist and Structural Integration Practitioner

Competitive athletes know all too well the toll their passion can take on their bodies. The high-impact nature of their pursuits often results in injuries, some of which, if not properly addressed, can lead to long-lasting issues. There's a pressing need for targeted, ongoing support that not only accelerates recovery but also mitigates future physical complications. This is where I come in.

As a board-certified Acupuncturist and Structural Integration Practitioner, my goal is to help athletes heal and return to their peak performance. I employ specific manual techniques to align the body in gravity, promoting healing from both new and old injuries. My unique approach brings together my extensive training and experience in Chinese Medicine and Structural Integration, offering comprehensive care to my patients.

The end result? Athletes who not only recover more quickly but also experience improved endurance and a reduced risk of long-term physical problems. My high qualifications and the one-on-one attention I provide during every visit enable me to deliver these results consistently.


Josh Luper, DAc, LAc, BCSI

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture | Structural Integration | Zero Balancing

Dr. Josh Luper is a board-certified Acupuncturist and Structural Integration Practitioner for 8 Hearts Health & Wellness.

His approach to patient care supports the individual constitution of each person with an awareness of the body as a whole. He believes in empowering patients to make the best decisions for their individual health and will support them wherever their health journey may take them. Josh’s practice focus is (Worsley) Classical Five Element Acupuncture with particular focus in musculoskeletal pain, mind-body connection, and functional digestive problems.

Since Qi dysfunction can be a primary culprit of pain and limited mobility, Josh works with individuals to increase the free flow of Qi throughout the body. He works to improve the transfer of motion through the body’s vertical center, with attention to potential fascial “adhesions” that can restrict free movement of Qi and register in the body as pain. Attention is also given to holding patterns (or “guarding habits”) that can be the source of mysterious, ongoing chronic pain. Both Acupuncture and hands-on work can be utilized to achieve reduced and resolved chronic pain.

Josh finds the goals of Structural Integration to be a natural companion to Chinese Medicine, and also offers sessions in the traditional 10-series following in the lineage of Dr. Ida Rolf. He completed his training in Structural Integration with the Northwest Center for Structural Integration becoming board-certified quickly thereafter. Josh has also received training in Zero Balancing as another option to, or alongside, direct fascial work.

We have several scheduling options available to tailor to specific needs, and Josh is available for preliminary phone consultations to discuss these options.

When not seeing patients or supporting the clinic office at 8 Hearts, he enjoys hiking and exploring the Pacific Northwest, as well as traveling to visit family in his hometown of Nashville, TN.


Aetna | MODA | PacificSource | Providence | Regence BCBS | Intel | UHC | NIKE | MVA (Motor Vehicle) | Worker’s Comp | Medicaid | Kaiser | CHP

Call 503-894-9118

Email: schedule@8hearts.org

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Heidelberg Testing

Heidelberg Testing assesses stomach acid levels at rest, as well as the functional capacity of parietal cells (i.e., the cells in your stomach that produce acid) when they are “challenged” to produce more stomach acid by meals. The testing involves swallowing a small capsule the size of a multivitamin that remains tethered in your stomach by a medical grade silk thread. This capsule communicates the pH of your stomach via radiotelemetry to a nearby computer.

Testing can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the physiology of your stomach and the types of testing ordered by your physician. Following testing, the capsule is removed from your stomach and back up through your esophagus. Most patients report that this process feels odd, but is not typically painful.

Heidelberg pH testing has been in use for many years but is often not well-known, mostly due to lack of availability. We have offered Heidelberg pH testing at 8 Hearts for several years now with great success. Physicians often find this testing to be extremely beneficial in managing or clarifying a path for treatment. Our technicians are licensed and board-certified practitioners and highly trained in providing skillful and compassionate testing. We understand the need to provide a supportive environment to minimize understandable apprehension and stress prior to completing the test.

The most common feedback we receive after completing the test:

“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!”

You MUST have an order from a physician to complete this testing. Ask your physician if Heidelberg pH testing is right for you. Please contact us for more information – we welcome calls from your physician as well. Once scheduled, we also provide you with additional guidance for how to best prepare for this particular test.